Monday, July 28, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday 7/28/14

Image courtesy of Sandra @ Dairy of a Stay at Home Mom

This is my first Happy Homemaker Monday.  And I gotta be honest I am not the best homemaker at all.  Most days I am not even sure I really like it.  But my goal is to be more content and grateful and this is one of my jobs and it certainly needs my attention! So on ward we go ;)

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning:: 
lots of coffee and leftover hashbrowns from Sunday morning

On today's to do list::
Laundry - finish and put it all away (a major down fall of mine)
Deep Clean my kitchen! 
take my youngest to swim training

The weather outside is::
cool and rainy

On the menu this week::
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

as you can see --- I haven't thought that far yet, hopefully others will inspire me and I can go from there -- hahaha

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::
I want to learn how to crochet and to knit,  I have no idea how to do either and would really love to know.  So I think goggling them both will be on my agenda to see if there is a beginner course for both

In the garden::
need to harvest some of my herbs and my lavender.  My neighbor gave me cucumbers so that will be on the agenda to enjoy as well  this week

Favorite photo from the camera::
Saturday night with my Superman out by our pool, getting ready to watch a movie and having a glass of wine!

Praying for::
a lot of unspoken requests, but He knows so that is a comfort.
Some family members with health issues.
Personal contentment --- a struggle with me.  I have a lot to be grateful and I am, but lately I feel very ungrateful in showing my gratefulness ..... if that makes sense to anyone other then me!  My main goal this week is to be grateful and show it!!!

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment::
Philippians 4:8 ~ my personal favorite and an excellent reminder for me, always!
Off to play some music off my pandora ~ leaning towards a Bollywood type of kitchen cleaning!

Have a blessed day everyone!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Grad Party

this weekend we celebrated all my daughter's hard work at school.
she graduated in the top 10 of her school and will enter university in the fall for ancient art and archeology. 
her plan is to get a phd in archeology ............ so 10 years of university here we come :) 

 banner inside the tent
family sitting just before the party started
 card box
 front of card box
 table ~ flowers are from my garden and the jars are my canning jars
 coffee and adult drink station
 decorations ~ we choose to decorate with the theme of her university
 more decorations
 the cake
 we decided to hang some of my daughter's art work up for guests to enjoy
so on the barn on the doors we made our own gallery
 this is a portrait of herself that she did - it's on barn wood and is 3D
 this is a painting regarding The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe
this piece is silk screen and she made this regarding a book she read
It's called Revolution and her piece is inspired by the book she read called Revolution.
This piece embodies her feelings that shows no cause is ever worth the death of a child.

We are so very proud of her and all her hard work!