Monday, June 9, 2014


I can't believe how this year is flying by.

It's a month of first and lasts.

Lots of Lasts.

Hard on this Mum's heart.

To be 18 and have the whole world at your feet and be so ready to grab it.  
And I hope she does! 
I hope she reaches as far as she can, go as far as she can and may she fulfill every dream her heart can dream.
This is my wish, my hope and my dream for my children.  That I have given them the faith, the strength, the power and the will to dream as far as it can carry them.

my daughter
from prom on Friday


  1. Your daughter is gorgeous, Cathie!
    I understand how you are feeling. It is so hard to let go, and I'm not doing a terribly good job of it, myself. I keep asking myself, "who was I before I was a mom?" I'm not 100% sure I really want to be that exact person again, but part of her is still in me, somewhere.
    Good luck with your journey in this new phase of life!

    1. thanks so much Lili! Yes, I am sure I am not alone in my feelings just difficult experiencing them for the first time :)
